What is the meaning of life? We are all living busy lives—wouldn’t it be nice to be clear on life’s meaning? This would make our busy lives meaningful...


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Discover yourself, the Knowledge Holy Grail …

 A runner is busy getting to the finish line. Without the knowledge of a finish line, what-on-earth is the runner busy doing? 

Every day we wake up and get to work, we are all so busy. Why? The only way we can all be so busy is if we are busy working towards our finish line, our life’s meaning. Without the meaning of life, what on earth are we all busy doing?

This book will not profess to you what the meaning of life is, no. This book will unlock your inner divine brilliance and with it, you will discover it for yourself. 

 Join me on a quest to free you of being busy in your life. Join me on a quest to discover some meaningful, powerful knowledge that is so powerful, you will live by it.


“the meaning of life is to give life meaning…”

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