
I am Ryan.

I love philosophy, epistomology, knowledge.

I love dialectic with others, and myself.

I love surfing, dirt bikes. I own 2 business’. I jog and work out. I am a family man with 2 kids. I have a degree in Engineering (hons). I love writing!

What I love about writing is the challenge of not deleting what I have written down. Writing is a message to a future you.

I love being my own biggest critic, I love being my own biggest challenge. If the “future-me” can read the “past-me’s” writing and not delete it, this is a good thing.

I wrote a book, Knowledge to Live By, and, are yet to delete it…

— Ryan Bennett - Knowledge to Live By


“Knowledge to Live By contains profound ideas that will enrichen your life, that will upgrade your life and ultimately, be a source of ‘good thing’ for you.” - Ryan
